Thought I'd try out this newfangled "web log" fad that's been sweeping the BBSes! Wow, I hope my second sentence isn't that sarcastic.
My primary aim for this blog is to consolidate and share ideas that don't seem to fit elsewhere (i.e., anywhere), and to keep a publicly accessible electronic record of selected long-term projects. In other words, I hope that using this blog as an open lab notebook will force myself to maintain guilt-fueled progress on stuff I write about by fabricating a pervasive sense of accountability to a merciless multitude of silent and/or imaginary readers. Updating frequently enough should also give me some much-needed practice at putting together word series that look good and then doing this again multiple times per minute with different words.
Coming soon: geographic profiling of serial homicide! Statistical crime analysis! A personalized, curse-laden introduction to the Google Maps API! Blood flow in arteries! Sundry language quirks! Comments from spammers, probably! Less sensationalism.
Hoping that signing off like this ends up looking perfectly natural and savvy,
...Un-savvy it is.